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提供比任何其他技术更多的专家培训 脊椎按摩疗法学院,洛根让你规划自己的道路,成为医疗保健的领导者. Here, you’ll learn one of chiropractic’s foundational techniques at the institution that perfected it. 今天,Logan Basic是我们DC项目核心的四种技术之一. 用其他11种技术的选修课来补充你的核心训练.



Logan Basic

安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行创始人H.B. Logan Basic是一种力最小的调整技术. A system of body mechanics with special emphasis on pelvic and spinal distortions and the subluxations that affect spinal structures, 洛根基本技术是一种光之力量, full-spine adjusting procedure highlighting the correction of spinal and pelvic pathobiomechanics. 这一年的课程强调脊柱扭曲的临床指标, 体位评估和脊柱x线分析的应用. 学生还学习特殊情况下的脊椎指压治疗, 比如脊柱侧凸, pregnancy, 儿科护理和急慢性脊柱疾病.


这是指压疗法中最常用的手法之一 treatment, Diversified courses focus on chiropractic terminology and conceptual models of pelvic and spinal biomechanics. 学生学习分析和标记骨盆和椎体半脱位复合物. 本课程的实验部分强调手工接触, 椎体接触姿势, 病人体位.


通过广泛发表的关于其有效性的研究,激活剂方法® 是一个基础 adjustment 在洛根的核心DC课程中. This technique offers the doctor the flexibility to perform a chiropractic adjustment on a variety of patients, 不论年龄或状况.


肌筋膜技术是一种放松收缩肌肉的软组织疗法, 促进血液循环,刺激肌肉的拉伸反射. Emerging evidence demonstrates that the human myofascial system is a body-wide communication network with a broad effect on overall health and wellness. 在这门重要的课程中, students cover a variety of concepts on various soft tissue therapies and their effect on the myofascial system. 具体的软组织技术是通过一些选修课程提供.


设计符合你职业目标和兴趣的课程. Logan offers expert instruction in 11 elective techniques to enhance your education and skills.

专注于肌肉和软组织问题,ART® 是基于研究表明粘连可能发生在肌肉内部和神经之间, 血管和结缔组织作为急性和重复性损伤的结果. 这些粘连会影响肌肉功能,改变关节运动, 导致生物力学改变和各种周围神经卡压.

P开发. Michael Leahy, DC, CCSP, ART源于Leahy在神经肌肉再教育和肌筋膜释放方面的工作. 重复运动法则是一个统一的概念, explaining how overuse syndromes arise from a variety of events and still fit under one paradigm. Practitioners work with various soft tissues to restore optimal function by releasing adhesions. 过度使用综合征涉及的每一块肌肉都被彻底评估. ART是基于对与过度使用综合征相关的每块肌肉的评估, 并且经常用于治疗运动员, 办公室和工厂工人以及其他受各种过度使用综合症影响的人.

增强我们核心激活器方法课程中教授的技能, the 高级激活剂方法 course will reinforce and advance your knowledge and skill in this popular technique, 准备学生成为高级认证.

建立在我们的核心洛根基本技术课程中学到的技能, 先进的基本 Technique will refine your understanding and skill in the application of Logan Basic as an adjusting technique. 学生将获得其他调整技术和辅助程序的概述, 包括脊椎指压理疗和脊柱侧凸患者的运动. 专注于功能性和特发性脊柱侧凸, 该课程采用循证方法来治疗这种复杂, 系统性疾病及其合并症. 病例史的重要性, radiological, physical, neurological, orthopedic, endocrine, 血液和尿液的检查结果, 以及饮食和运动的作用将被讨论.

进一步的材料呈现在我们的核心Reinert多元化系列, 高级多样化技术课程旨在提高患者诊断技能, 采用多种技术方法进行治疗和管理. Practicing Doctors of Chiropractic will present and discuss actual case studies and the outcomes.

This method employs a system of muscle testing and assessment to determine whether certain muscles are consistently weak. 根据检查结果和病史, 适当的诊断检查, 包括化验和x光检查, are used. 这种方法是由乔治·古德哈特提出的, DC, by identifying relationships between certain muscles and the function of corresponding organs. In Europe, this method is often used by medical doctors and dentists to supplement other diagnostic information.

Treatment with 应用运动机能学 includes chiropractic adjustments using a variety of techniques. Work on affected muscles and related reflex systems as well as nutritional programs may also be used. 许多从业人员报告说,应用运动机能学肌肉训练后调整更容易, 因为这项技术有助于平衡脊柱周围的肌肉.

James M开发. Cox, DC, the Flexion-Distraction adjustment procedure and enhanced adjusting table are based on a distractive force (supplied with the contact hand) combined with table motion. 考克斯台的设计是为了恢复颈椎正常的生理活动范围, thoracic, 腰椎关节. Cox 弯曲-分散操作是一种温和的, 非强制调整程序,配合身体的自然设计,以帮助愈合.

The Cox 屈曲-牵张调节也被设计用于将代谢物转移到椎间盘, 降低椎间盘内压力,减压发炎或受压的脊神经根. This technique has received three government-funded grants totaling over $2 million and have been awarded to support the further study of this effective technique.

1923年由已故的克拉伦斯S. Gonstead, DC, Gonstead系统使用目视检查, 运动和静态触诊, 用仪器和全脊柱x光片来确定具体位置, what, 何时以及如何调整以获得特定和一致的结果.

The System uses the full-spine approach with emphasis on the subluxation/compensation mechanism and level disc concept. Emphasizing differentiation between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems and their symptoms, 冈斯特德系统帮助按摩师发现并纠正特定的半脱位. 专用设备, 包括膝盖胸, Pelvic Bench, Hylo桌椅和颈椎椅, 在调节技术的应用中是如何使用的.

器械辅助软组织活动 (IASTM) is an intense hands-on study of soft tissue treatment using state-of-the-art tools to mobilize aberrant soft tissue issues such as adhesions and scar tissue throughout the entire body. 软组织作为辅助方法也进行了讨论. 该课程包括所有设备.

SOT是由Bertrand DeJarnette开发的, DC, a wealthy former engineer who dedicated much of his fortune to fund research into why chiropractic works. Dr. DeJarnette concluded that any area of the spine can be affected by structural changes affecting the dura, 结缔组织包围大脑和脊髓的致密膜. 他发现调整脊柱的一个部分可以引起另一个部分的变化.

研究表明颅骨会移动,这引起了他的兴趣. DeJarnette theorized that structural changes of the cranial bones could affect the movement of cerebrospinal fluid. 因此,SOT处理颅骨的定位使用一种方法称为 craniopathy.

许多SOT从业者解决骨盆半脱位的首选方法, blocking 包括让病人面朝上躺在骨盆下方. 通过同时规范脊柱两侧的关节位置, SOT与其他脊椎指压系统集成, 允许在SOT系统中使用各种技术. 许多医生还为他们的病人提供营养咨询.

以其创始人命名, 粘土汤普森, DC, 汤普森技术采用气动驱动的调节工作台, segmented drop system which quickly lowers the portion of the table under the corresponding section of spine being adjusted. 使用最小的力量, 医生以高速冲刺, 允许快速下降,通过其运动范围进行关节.

汤普森医生使用腿长检查, palpation, x光和其他适当的测试,以确定适当的区域进行调整. 虽然他是脊医创始人B.J. 帕尔默博士,华盛顿特区. Thompson advocated adjustments addressing any joint dysfunctions in the spine as well as the extremities.

由脊椎指压疗法创始人D.D. 帕尔默,华盛顿特区,并由他的儿子B.J. Palmer, DC,上颈椎特异性技术聚焦寰椎半脱位复合体(ASC). 由人类脊柱顶部的三个骨骼组成——枕骨(颅骨或CO), the Atlas (CI) and the Axis (C2)—the technique focuses on specific corrections to the structure of the Atlas complex to restore correct structure and promote optimal function of nerves related to the complex.

上颈椎特异性是一种拨动后坐力技术, 其中调整建立运动, 遵循正确的修正路线, 让线段天生找到它的自然位置. These procedures differ from techniques using Gonstead listings in that Upper Cervical’s 12 atlas and eight axis listings (misalignments) are compared relative to the foramen magnum (the opening in the bones at the base of the skull).

我们的解剖中心包含解剖表, 技术最先进的3D模拟系统, 和虚拟解剖台, 让学生看到真实的人体解剖.

Our Chiropractic technique labs include force plate technology using embedded sensors on a human torso model to provide students with immediate feedback on their performance delivering spinal manipulation. The Activator Technique Lab will be furnished with the latest electronic Activator instruments, 一按按钮就能产生电子压力, 帮助学生为进入脊椎指压治疗领域做准备.

The radiography center trains our students with equipment like what is currently used in the Montgomery Health Center and provide supervised practice time outside of class.


80多年来,安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行为创新教育树立了高标准. Introducing state-of-the-art technologies into its curriculum and clinical services enhances the learning experience with new opportunities that prepare Logan students and graduates to enter their professions as highly trained, 熟练和知识渊博的卫生保健专业人员.


我们的解剖中心包含解剖表, 技术最先进的3D模拟系统, 和虚拟解剖台, 让学生看到真实的人体解剖.


Our Chiropractic technique labs include force plate technology using embedded sensors on a human torso model to provide students with immediate feedback on their performance delivering spinal manipulation. The Activator Technique Lab will be furnished with the latest electronic Activator instruments, 一按按钮就能产生电子压力, 帮助学生为进入脊椎指压治疗领域做准备.


The radiography center trains our students with equipment like what is currently used in the Montgomery Health Center and provide supervised practice time outside of class.

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